Contact us for further details regarding these ovens on: 01228 210907

The very best cooking and baking results

Having joined forces with our sister brand, HOUNÖ, we are delighted to have added an extensive range of Lincat-branded combi ovens to our portfolio.

HOUNÖ is a well-established brand in a broad cross-section of catering operations, from retail and industrial, to chains and fast-food restaurants. It’s great therefore to be able to offer HOUNÖ combis under the Lincat banner.

Ease of use is at the heart of Lincat’s new combis. They’re controlled using Android-based SmartTouch®, an intuitive touch control display, and feature SmartChef® pre-set recipes, making operation simple and seamless for kitchen staff of all levels.

Lincat Combi Ovens can be used for all kinds of food preparation from baking to steaming, stewing, blanching and poaching as well as grilling and roasting, saving space in the kitchen and reducing the need to invest in additional kitchen equipment.

Low operating costs – with a low consumption of energy, water and detergent

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