Border Food Machinery Limited collects customer information to communicate with our customers about our brand, products, services and promotions. We collect information including your name, e-mail and postal address that you provide to us when you register. We also monitor site use and traffic patterns to improve our web site design and the products and services we offer. Border Food Machinery Limited recognises that it must maintain and use customer information responsibly.

We will not share your email address which you provide at the time of opting into our newsletter subscription or when placing an order.

Please note we provide links to other sites, which may not be governed by this Privacy Policy. Border Food Machinery Limited is not responsible for any personal information you submit to third parties via our website.



Order Process: Border Food Machinery Limited requests personal information from you when you place an order, including your name, email address, phone numbers, home address, delivery and credit card billing address(es) so that we can process, fraud check and deliver your order. Details of your address and also the telephone number and email you have provided us will  be shared with our retail partners (who supply the products you purchase on this website) and our couriers. These details will be shared to assist in providing you with the best possible delivery service.

Your full card details will never be shared with third parties other than our payment service provider and will only be used to process your order, using our payment partner’s systems (SagePay).

Newsletter: We collect information from you when you subscribe to our newsletter mailing list for either email subscription or postal promotions or register for an account with us.

Customer Traffic: We use analytics software to collect information such as visitor numbers and site usage  in order to optimise your use and overall experience of our website.

Sharing: The social media share buttons makes it easy for you to bookmark and share content to your favourite social destinations, such as Facebook and Twitter.



Newsletter: You can unsubscribe to our newsletter anytime by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email sent to you or by signing into your account with us and updating your profile.

Customer Traffic: To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit the Google Analytics Opt Out page.  Please also see further details on how to remove cookies by viewing our cookies policy.

You may change any of the basic account information we keep about you at any time by sending us an e-mail to or by signing into your account with us and updating your profile.


In addition to the information which you supply to us, information and data may be automatically collected through the use of cookies. Cookies are small text files the site can use to recognise repeat users and allow us to observe behaviour and compile aggregate data in order to improve the site for you.

We have provided a list of the main cookies we use on this website for you within our Cookies Policy.  Details on how to manage and delete these cookies have also been included.   Please note that by visiting you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in the Cookies Policy, this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.